Friday 23 April 2010

The Material or the Ethereal: Our Human Choice

If the journey of life is like an open road, full of twists, turns and experiences it might be fair to say that each of us are at a fork in the road. One route or direction represents the age we have known, the path we have already trod, a reality that is largely based on a material perception of the universe. We are completing a phase of human evolution where we had to explore the material, something that cut us off from the wider universe.

The other path in the fork represents the new, where each step we take is a new experience that takes us further in to a totally new reality. The new way is one of reconnection with the universe, reconnection with the idea that we are spiritual beings. As we have free will, we have a choice, whether to stick with the old, with what we know as the material reality, or to take a giant leap in consciousness and proceed into the unkown, embracing a golden new age where we rediscover ourselves as spiritual beings.

Our home planet Earth is taking the new route and as such is responding to the new energies and vibrations that are bombarding the solar system. We have to look no further than the recent events in Iceland this week to know this. The Earth is in fact a great Spiritual Being in her own right; One that is going through an enormous transition a wonderful metamorphosis. It is adjusting itself so that it might resonate to the new energies.

Like the Earth, we are also spiritual beings and are also being bombarded with the new energies. Our challenge is to acclimate with them and raise ourselves so that we might also resonate at the new higher impulses that are akin to unconditional love. The Earth is our only home, and we have been evolving with it for more than 260 million years. It is taking the new way as has every other aspect of consciousness, the spiritual hierarchies, the animal, plant and the mineral kingdoms.

I have called this new way the ethereal route, for it involves the realisation that everything is energy, everything is consciousness. We will be reconnecting with our higher selves, the parts of us that exist beyond the physical plane. We will know that we are far more than just flesh and bones, we have in fact several bodies, all of which resonate energetically.

The physical body is the densest because it is comprised of elements. It vibrates at the lowest vibration. There are also the other lower or mortal bodies, the astral, emotional and mental. As we enter this period of change we must work to ensure that the lower bodies remain in balance, for our task is unite these with our light body, part of us that exists at the higher vibrational state of awareness. When we can anchor the light body here on Earth we can bring Heaven to Earth and begin to experience expanded consciousness and universal oneness.

What an adventure! What a wonderous time to be alive, to have the opportunity to bring to birth a higher humanity one that bridges the physical and spiritual realms. A reality where fear is replaced by love, and we all know that we are one, yet individuals within our I Am presence.

The Earth is taking the new way and as it adjusts we can expect a pole shift, earthquakes and volcanic activity because the forces involved are colossal, beyond our comprehension. But As Above so Below and we must also know that the change will run through everything however large (or small) in size manifesting itself from within. What ever happens around us we must remember that this is an inner journey of transition and this is why we have to start by having our lower bodies in balance and actively seek to anchor our light bodies in to the physical. We can start by visualising ourselves as beings of unconditional love, by making every deed we do an act of love. As mother Theresa said; “We might not do great things, but we can do everything with great love”.

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