Friday 7 August 2009

Passage to 2012 (Part 1) by Shirley Laflin

The channelling below is the culmination of many years of working with earth energies in Hertfordshire and Dorset and in particular with the St Mary lines and other associations including the Knights Templars.

As we approach the end of the Mayan 26,000 year plus cycle so the ley lines and sites need to be infused with a more advanced and very powerful energy for the new age. As with our own domestic electrical systems the circuits need to be updated every now and again, and so it is with the worldwide network of ley lines. The voltage bas been changed and the lines cleansed and resurrected to take the new vibrant high level energy for the 4th and 5th dimensions. With the surge of new information and energy flowing through the lines we will be guided into becoming who we really are through the reality of the truth, and a natural balancing of female and male energies will occur where all are harmonious and neither sex is dominant.

And so the adventure continues……………….. It’s a bit like being in an Enid Blyton story with the Famous Five. As a continuation I’ve now been asked to channel an email about the lead up to 2012 and beyond on a regular basis every five or six weeks for about 13 months, and to distribute it to as many people as possible. Whilst I’m doing that I will also be getting up to other adventures but am unable to tell you about those at present. In the meantime watch this space and:


We the archangels are here to help you in your passage to 2012 and beyond. We wish to make it easier for you to understand what is happening to you all during these times of upheaval and loss of the old ways of being and the crossing over to the 4th dimension.

Whilst you are in transition between the 3rd and 4th dimensions there is still much to be achieved and pondered upon by yourselves.

We understand there have been many difficulties or continual change over the last few years for most of you. However this had to be so to allow all that has not been truly working for you to be released, and to allow you to move into a new space to assess what does work for you. Whilst you may have had some difficulties finding the best way for you, your efforts will be rewarded in ways you have never dreamt of and you will find your own nirvana.

Your nirvana can be anything you wish it to be. Think big, think wide, think more wonderful and beautiful than ever before, but most of all think of being in the most loving relationship possible with your highest self, God and the universe, truly of one mind and one consciousness.

Be aware that the last 13,000 years of the 26,000 year plus cycle has focussed upon domination by the male sex. This transition is bringing in the possibility of change in virtually every area of your lives and of all that which constitutes the universe, including equality and the harmonious balancing of the male and female energies. How is this occurring or how can it be you may ask, or perhaps you just feel you’re losing control of what used to be your world.

We understand, we understand the fear that occurs each time the rug is pulled out from under your feet when yet another aspect of your life disappears overnight in a puff of wind.

This is how things have to be for now. It is not possible for the move to the 4th dimension to occur unless all that no longer serves us is completely purged from our systems.

You have all watched the gradual break down of the financial sector and management structures that controlled it. This is slowly building up again but in ways that serve the public and work to the best possible advantage of all involved. There will be hiccups along the way as always, but this is the way it needs to be to create the desired result.

Not only will the banking industry be involved but other sectors and industries that have had the ability to pull the wool over the eyes of the public will also find themselves in a state of disarray, bringing with it the need to re organise themselves and their activities in ways which are transparent and beneficial to all.

Nobody will remain untouched by these changes and any who continue to think in the old ways and create a barrier to change will find life becoming increasingly difficult for them as they try to hold on to what was the old world. The old world has all but gone now and remains in name only.

Those people who have made the choice not to stay in their bodies and have already passed on, or soon will be, have completed the job they came here to carry out to the best of their ability. Some will remain discarnate, others will return quickly, many as the new children or rainbow, crystal and the indigos as you call them.

These children have additional colours in their aura which is where their names are derived from. They have characteristics which have been mostly unknown in young children in our more recent history.

Their purpose is to show the rest of the population how to be, how to live and how to love. They will in fact be veritable beacons of light and love blazing the path for others to follow.

Those who remain discarnate have chosen to do so in order to guide and be of help to their families, relatives or friends and will be using their knowledge of the world to do so. This is a role which is just as important as that of returning in earthly form and a vital one too.

For those who return and those who have chosen to stay there will still be many changes and possible upheavals to come. However it is really important to remember that fear will keep you trapped where you are in isolation. An open heart and open mind will help you to ride the crest of the wave and achieve all that you wish for.

Remember you are yourself a beacon of light for others to be guided by. You are showing the way through your love and light and by doing this we will all awaken to a beautiful and wondrous awareness of our own oneness with all.

Peace, love and blessings to you all in your home, work and play

Metatron, Archangels Michael and Chamuel and the host of heaven